Closing Statements: Prosecution

I will start with the evacuation and subsequent removals.
First, the prosecution had to prove
that the evacuation of Phnom Penh was a criminal act per se (because without
a legal basis establishing it as a crime in law there is no merit in arriving
at any finding of fact). The prosecution lavished us with all sorts of epithets
it attributes to the evacuation of Phnom Penh but never told us the one
important thing: Under what law, national or international, was it criminal. The
prosecution tells us the evacuation was a crime against humanity but it does so
without citing any law. The prosecution also tells us that “[t]he evidence does
not establish any legitimate reason under international law for the evacuation
of Phnom Penh.” There is a set of legitimate reasons for ordering evacuation in
international law? Maybe the prosecution could enlighten those of us who are
dwelling in the darkness and away from the light of international law as to the origin and content of
this set of reasons, as well as the line of cases that establishes it in the law. That the
prosecution did not do and until it does that any argument of illegitimacy (legitimacy
is not a criminal court’s concern; legality and lawfulness are) put forward by
the prosecution will be nothing more than a policy debate between someone who
has never run a country or been a part of policymaking of any kind (Will Smith
and Chea Leang) and someone who has done both (Noun Chea and Khieu Samphan),
where the disagreement of the former with the latter means absolutely nothing
to the law and should mean nothing at all. Then the prosecution tells us that
the evacuation was criminal because the population of Phnom Penh was not
permitted to return to their homes after. I am not saying that the fact of
prevention of the return, if proven, cannot give rise to a crime; I am simply saying
that that crime is not evacuation (provided evacuation is a crime per se). The
prosecution is, however, correct about the April heat, lack of motorized
transportation and the immensity of human suffering during the evacuation. My
empathy goes out to the evacuees for these reasons and that empathy has our
shared humanity as the source. This, however, does not mean that I believe that it is or should be within
the prosecution’s remit to invent a new crime on that basis. Second, the prosecution has
convincingly proved that the evacuation of Phnom Penh was an event ordered by
the party leadership. The prosecution equally convincingly proved that Noun was
at the meeting where a decision on the evacuation was made (this did not
require any work from the prosecution as Noun testified to his attendance).
However, there is a divergence of opinion on whether Khieu was at that meeting:
Noun and Khieu say that he was not but the prosecution says that he was. The
only supporting evidence proffered by the prosecution to support its position
was late Ieng Sary’s statement to the Co-Investigating Judges. If it can be
entertained that Ieng and Noun’s statements cancel each other out, the
prosecution is left with Khieu’s statement and zero documentary or testimonial
evidence of his attendance. Not a good situation for the prosecution to
continue supporting its position from. With this said, regardless of whether
the prosecution can prove that Khieu was at the meeting where a decision on the
evacuation of Phnom Penh was made, the prosecution does have convincing proof
that he followed the progress of the evacuation subsequently (the prosecution
has convincingly placed him at B-5, the office from which the evacuation was
run), whether he was at the meeting that ordered it or not. Third, the prosecution needed to prove
that by ordering the evacuation of Phnom Penh the accused intended to commit a
crime (mens rea). To show this the
prosecution would have had to establish that evacuation was a crime under national
or international law in years 1974 and 1975 and that the accused had reasonable
facility to be aware that it was a crime or that the accused wrongly believed it was a crime. The prosecution offered no arguments
in support of either. As such, if evacuation per se was not a crime during that
period and the accused did not see it as a crime, the prosecution is not merely
on thin ice here but is already flapping its arms in the freezing cold water.
To my knowledge, there is no contemporaneous law that establishes evacuation
per se as a crime (deportation was a crime by then; if the prosecution is
equating one with the other I would like to hear an argument to that effect)
and I have not seen any documentary or testimonial evidence that while ordering
or conducting the evacuation the accused were aware that it was a crime under
the law (in the same manner as the US, for example, was when it was knowingly and willfully
breaking the law (an arms embargo) by smuggling weapons into Bosnia and
Herzegovina through a black op and with the help of jihadist groups during the Yugoslav Civil War)).
The prosecution argues that the evacuation was devoid of legitimacy for it was
ordered for no other than the following two reasons: (1) not to let the enemy destabilize CPK; and (2) not
to let the Phnom Penh urbanites corrupt the CPK cadre (had the prosecution been aware of Robespierre's (or was it Saint-Just's) proposal to evacuate Lyon (this is a faithful paraphrase of the proposal: Evacuate Lyon and disperse its population to every corner of France to have them learn from the revolutionary masses) as a form of reprisal and the fact that Pol Pot learned the particulars of the French Revolution when he was living in France, they would have developed a theory that Pol Pot intended to carry out Robespierre's plan (evacuation of Lyon was never ordered, even though other forms of reprisal were inflicted on the defiant city) or emulate the evacuation of Vendee that did occur and was a form of reprisal)); the accused disagree
that either was a consideration for the evacuation. But, as discussed previously,
this is a matter of disagreement on policy, not application of the law.
Finally, the prosecution asserts that the evacuation was not ordered to benefit
the people. I am troubled by this conclusion. The manner in which it was carried
out is doubtless lamentable but I do see how it immediately follows from that
that there was no benefit in it for the population. Let us assume that I buy
the prosecution’s argument that the purpose of the evacuation was none other
than preserving the integrity of CPK (which is not a bad argument but then nor
is the argument to this effect from the other side; there simply has been nothing in these
proceedings to serve as a tie-breaker for me on this), and not any of the
humanitarian or security reasons the accused have put forward. Let us say that
the prosecution is correct that the other fold of the purpose of the evacuation
was to put the entire population to agricultural production. Even if that were
unimpeachably correct, why does it mean that the evacuation was not intended to
benefit the population? Is the prosecution suggesting that the entire
population was being put to work to maintain the lavish lifestyle of the CPK
leadership, as opposed to producing means of sustenance for itself? Unlike the civil parties, the prosecution did have credible
Democratic Kampuchea historians on staff and they do know better than arguing
something like this. What then? Does the prosecution’s position have roots in
the argument that being a permanent client state (which is what Cambodia is
today and has been every single day since CPK was deposed) that serves many
masters is better than the nationalist idea of striving for true sustainability
and independence? The prosecution tells us that while there is a Stalinist
tenet that the ends justify the means this tenet cannot be accepted by a
civilized society. A very interesting theory of supremacism of political
ideology but even if I agreed with the prosecution on this, how would the
accused have been able to know that this tenet was not accepted by a civilized society in the world of the 1970s when half the population
of the world was following some form of it? Would
this not work towards opinio juris
insofar as establishment of relevant rules of international law is concerned? I
have no trouble with the prosecution picking a side in this argument insofar as
this side-picking is confined to political science and is kept out of the law (if
that is the case what is it doing being voiced in a court of law then?). Now, the
April 1975 evacuation, as it is understood by this court, is not confined to
the removal from Phnom Penh but has placement in the villages (the prosecution
keeps calling them ‘cooperatives’ which would be fine but for the fact that
cooperatives were yet to be established in many parts of Cambodia at the time
of the evacuation) and placement to agricultural production as its elements.
The prosecution pulls out the biggest – but not necessarily the fastest – guns on
this and calls it ‘slavery’ (those more poetically inclined will do well by
reading the prosecution’s blood and eyes attempts at atrocity poetry).
Once again, the prosecution is packed to the brim with lawyers and it would be
most helpful to find out under what legal
definition the placement in villages and to agricultural production was
slavery. Without knowing what the prosecution’s legal definition of choice is, the
prosecution’s use of ‘slavery’ reminds me of the attempts at bombast at every
corner at the People’s Revolutionary Tribunal of 1979. Even if the prosecution were
allowed to debate the soundness – rather than legality and lawfulness – of policy
in court, what would it recommend as an alternative to what was done? The State
providing the evacuated Phnom Penhites with food from its non-existent granaries
to ensure that the evacuees had the option of not doing any agricultural work?
Or, would it be having the indigenous population of the villages work to feed
the idling evacuees? Would the prosecution like to show a single example of
where this was done this way in a country that resembles the circumstances of
Cambodia circa 1975 (Russia and China circa 1920-1940)? The prosecution blares
in with “[t]he accused were the masters and the population was their slaves.”
Again, this is very strong rhetoric but where is any substantiation of the use
of the term ‘slavery’ for it (the prosecution had numerous other terms
available to it, with forced labor being but one; it chose to eschew many
obvious and less obvious options and go for ‘slavery;’ the why is not hard to
answer; it is the how that perplexes me)? Insofar as the knowledge and ordering
of assignment to labor of the evacuees it appears that the prosecution has only
managed to make a circumstantial case against the accused: It is the
prosecution’s argument that (1) Democratic Kampuchea was centrally governed and
tightly controlled by the national government; (2) the accused worked closely
together and were at the top of the Democratic Kampuchea government; and (3) if
the evacuees did not volunteer to work, someone must have assigned them to it
and because the State was centrally governed and tightly controlled by the
national government it would have had to be the national government of which
the accused were key members. This is not a bad logical argument but it must be
noted that it is not the same as this theory being proved by evidence, whether
documentary or testimonial. Then there is the starvation across the country. The
prosecution has convincingly proven that Khieu was in charge of the rice
exports. That is a good start. This, at a minimum, means that he knew how much
was being exported. This is where the prosecution should have shown two other
things: (1) that it was within his remit to know how much was being produced; and (2)
that it was within his remit to ensure that what was left was sufficient for
the population’s nutrition. I did not hear or see an argument to the effect of
either. One would imagine that the cooperative and district authorities would
be in charge of calculating something like that and if they said that their
cooperative or district had a certain amount of rice to export I do not believe the central government was in any position to
determine whether their calculations were made with the population’s nutrition
in mind. Now, it would be an entirely different story if the prosecution had
shown that the central government specifically enjoined all smaller
administrative units to ensure that a certain amount of rice was available for
export regardless of the circumstances of the particular administrative unit (as there is evidence that in the Russia of 1918-1920 wheat was requisitioned in the countryside by gangs of city dwellers ordered into existence by the central government or as the Soviet government beginning to export wheat for reconstruction money while still accepting international famine relief in 1922-23). Had
the prosecution shown that, they would have had a shot at proving that the
central government acted in absolute disregard of the nutrition of the
population creating conditions that could have no other outcome than
starvation. Instead, the prosecution cites such untenable testimony as “all
rice was exported” (how could anybody have survived if all rice had been exported?) and that the ration was one can of
rice per 40 people per day (the prosecution likes throwing the word ‘lie’
around; this would be a good place to apply that word; no one would have
survived, had that been the ration; with all due respect to the extreme
hardship suffered by many during that period, one can of rice per 40 people per
day is nothing more than yet another piece of urban legend that has flourished
in Cambodia in the past 35 years; the prosecution’s repeating of it greatly
undermines their credibility). With that said, the prosecution did adduce documents
that attest to food shortages at least in some parts of the country. They
equally attest to a 15-hour work day at least in some part of the country. The
prosecution also submitted testimonial evidence that Khieu had taught
punishment for “breaking needles and being sick.” It also submitted that Khieu
taught restriction of movement and weaning the April 17 people away from their
feudalist ways. All this suits well to attesting to the staggering amount of
control the central government sought over the population but it does not
assist the prosecution’s argument of central government-engineered starvation. Both
of the accused deny that there was starvation, albeit Noun admits that there
were some problems in the cooperatives right after April 17, 2013 but that
there were resolved shortly after. The prosecution believes that to be a lie.
It might well be a lie (considering the fact that Noun vocally and repeatedly denied
the existence of S-21 throughout the 1980s his credibility is very low and any
of his claims might well be a lie; that said, the prosecution does not get to
pick and choose which statements of his it considers to be “rare moments of
candor” simply based on the fact that they fit with the prosecution’s argument)
but the prosecution has failed to put together a compelling case (which they
have done with some of their other positions) to show that it is. The
prosecution adduced numerous telegrams but none of them contain anything that
would convincingly show that the central government kept extracting rice from
the cooperatives in the face of numerous reports of starvation and death
thereof. The allegation of knowingly and willfully denying the population
nutrition is a very serious one and the prosecution had the burden of adducing
very serious evidence to prove it. I do not see evidence rising to that level
(this does not mean it did not happen; this simply means that the prosecution
did not make its case for it); all I see is thin evidentiary soup (‘potang bobo’ to coin a term in Khmer) on this.
Now, on to Toul Po
Chrey. First, the prosecution
had to prove that the execution of Khmer Republic officials did take place at
Toul Po Chrey. The prosecution alleges that thousands of people were executed
there on a single day. This is a massive undertaking. The prosecution has
adduced documentary evidence of central government directives regarding such relatively insignificant events as fortifications at the Thai border and yet
there is nothing on a massive event that the prosecution alleges had taken
place at Toul Po Chrey. The prosecution adduced documentary evidence of an
event where a kerosene lamp set a boat on fire and the punishment meted out to
the persons who were held responsible for the mishap, and yet they did not
adduce a single shred of paper that attests to a mass execution at Toul Po
Chrey. The prosecution offered no convincing explanation as to why this is the
case. Somehow it should make sense to us that while imprisoning and torturing two people over
the kerosene lamp accident merited a report all the way to the central government,
the execution of thousands did not. The prosecution tells us that that is
because the execution of Khmer Republic officials was a matter of policy,
insinuating that it did not merit a report for that reason (in other words, it
was mundane while a kerosene lamp burning down a boat was rare). I will get
back to this later. For now, let us take a closer look at what the prosecution
alleges had happened at Toul Po Chrey. Thousands of Khmer Republic officials
were gathered from all around the country (or at least areas reasonably
immediate to Phnom Penh), not just Phnom Penh, duped into believing that there
were being taken to see Norodom Sihanouk to get promotions in the rank.
Instead, they were taken to Toul Po Chrey (northwestern Pursat) and executed.
And this is where it all begins. I have trouble processing how thousands of
military and civil servants believed that after fighting the Sihanouk-supported
Khmer Rouge on behalf of the government that ousted Sihanouk in a sneak coup d’état
and now having been defeated after four years of war they would be promoted by
Sihanouk to a higher rank. It is a simple question and the prosecution does not
provide an answer to it. But, I will not harp on that and move ahead on the
assumption that the civil service of the Khmer Republic was staffed with
unconventionally and exceptionally gullible individuals who had trouble
understanding that, usually, the vanquished are not lavished with benefits for
having fought the victor. Events like this do not simply happen. They require a
certain amount of preparation. The idea for them either comes from the central
government or approval of the central government is sought. Whichever happened
here, the prosecution has found no documentary or testimonial evidence of it. A
decision is made at the top; the prosecution found no evidence of that. After a
go-head is secured, the plan goes into motion and starts being communicated to
more and more people in the movement oft-broadening the circle of those in the
know to thousands. The prosecution did not produce a single witness of that
dissemination (it is usually substantially clear to these individuals what they
have been ordered to do). Due to this we do not know what order was given and
by whom (were the lower-ranking Khmer Rouge lied to or were they told ‘round up
the Khmer Republic traitors and tell them they are going to be taken to see
Sihanouk,’ with an understanding that this is what you tell “them”). But let us
leave that aside for now. Let us instead focus on what it would have taken to
pull off an event like this logistically. First, centers in and around Phnom
Penh would have had to round up Khmer Republic officials. Second, they would
need to be kept in those centers (to prevent their disappearance into the
evacuating crowds) until the centers got a go-ahead on their transfer and could
organize the transfer from the logistical standpoint. Then a single location
would have to be picked to send all these people to. Multiple trucks would have
to be secured to transport them to that single location. All along, there would
need to be numerous cadre putting these people at ease to ensure that they pose no security
threat to the Khmer Rouge. Before they are brought to the single location a
sizable number of cadres would have to be brought there to secure it in anticipation of security incidents. Finally,
an execution site would need to be picked away from the watchful eye of the
population. Once at the single location, the Khmer Republic officials would
need to be fed (not because their nutrition is of any importance to the Khmer
Rouge but simply to show that there is nothing going on that is out of the ordinary). Multiple
teams of executioners would need to be put in place at the execution site.
Multiple trucks would need to be pulled away from other pressing needs to
transport thousands of people to the execution site. Now, how many teams of executioners
had to be in place to murder thousands of people on the same day? We are told
that during the Katyn massacre the few dozen (about 30) Soviet executioners reported
having trouble dispatching 390 Polish prisoners on the first night of the
massacre. There are reports from other massacres where the executioners
numbered in hundreds and at times thousands and machine guns and creative
methods of murder were used to dispatch thousands of people in a single day. There
is no reason to believe that the Cambodian executioners knew of a particularly
efficient method of execution their Soviet and German counterparts were not
aware of. This means that, if the prosecution’s number of Toul Po Chrey victims is correct,
there were hundreds of executioners to finish the job in a single day. Where
did they all go? I am asking this because the prosecution has failed to come up
with a single executioner. Cambodia is not India and if Teth Sambath – with the
resources of one dedicated man – claims to have been able to locate at least one of them,
why was the prosecution – with all its resources – unable to come up with a
single one of them as a witness? Instead, the prosecution presented us with the witnesses
whose testimony I would summarize as follows: They saw some trucks taking some
people somewhere in northwestern Pursat somewhere around the time the prosecution
claims the Toul Po Chrey massacre was perpetrated, with the prosecution’s star
witness being someone from a film (by Teth Sambath) who never testified in
court and whom the bench had no opportunity to examine and whom the accused had no opportunity to cross-examine. Those dozens of
trucks were driven by dozens of drivers and guarded by, perhaps, dozens of
others, and yet the prosecution was unable to locate any of those people and
have the court summon them to testify. There is another aspect of the
prosecution’s Toul Po Chrey case that is curious. All the German and Soviet
massacres I am aware of have at least one survivor who has since become known
to the academy and the public. There is not one German or Soviet massacre I am
aware of that has zero known survivors (and we are talking of massacres some of which were
committed in the confines of a building where victims were taken through a
narrow corridor and shot individually). Not one. The prosecution has failed to
locate a single person who made it out alive from Toul Po Chrey. Not one person
who jumped out of the truck when he heard gun shots from where his truck was
headed; not one person who got wounded and played dead until the executioners
left; not one person who broke loose and ran off into the forest. Not one person. The
prosecution seeks to have us believe that in a country where little
happens on time, where the first 300 attempts at anything never get it right,
where attention to detail is not part of the national psyche, the executioners
of Toul Po Chrey did such a thorough job that none of their victims survived. Thousands
of executions would have left piles of corpses (unless the prosecution seeks to
argue that numerous deep ditches had been prepared before or that each victim
was forced to dig a shallow grave for himself) stewing in the brutal sun of the
hot season with stench wafting for miles down the wind piquing the locals’
curiosity about its origin. Yet, the prosecution did not come up with a single
local who would testify to the stench or would have made a trip to the origin
of the stench to find piles of dead Khmer Republic officials. Bulldozers
allegedly came sometime shortly but not immediately after the alleged massacre.
They doubtless were driven by someone. The prosecution failed to find any of
the drivers. All this is very suspect as the Toul Po Chrey of the prosecution
is unlike any other massacre I am familiar with. It compels only two
explanations: (1) the prosecution did a shoddy job; or (2) Toul Po Chrey did not
happen. Finally, the Documentation Center of Cambodia has been around for
almost 20 years now and has spent over $70 million running itself during this
period. If Toul Po Chrey is what the prosecution claims it is, why was it never
excavated? Why was no evidence regarding it ever collected (ironically, after those
$70 million the best evidence we have came from Teth Sambath’s movie). Why was
no forensic analysis conducted either by the prosecution or the
Co-Investigating Judges? Why is the prosecution instead relying on its staff’s
toddle around the area that brought up some fabric and bone meal of unknown
origin as some Bizarro World forensic evidence? Is this seven years of
investigations talking? This is absolutely ridiculous. Instead, the prosecution’s
story is hinged on two things: (1) systematic execution of Khmer Republic
officials; and (2) an assertion that none of the Khmer Republic officials who
had been called to go see Sihanouk ever came back. The systematic execution
would have been strong circumstantial evidence but at what point in the trial
did the prosecution establish that? The latter was proven -- without anyone even trying -- to be a false
assumption in court: It was shown that at least one Khmer Republic official did
come back. Overall, the prosecution’s story of Toul Po Chrey is poorly crafted,
based on very little evidence and much runaway imagination. And I believe the
prosecution knows that.
With this said, Toul Po Chrey probably did happen, in some
form and not necessarily in the way the prosecution describes it or, perhaps, not
even in the location to which the prosecution attributes it. Brutality against
a vanquished enemy is not generally out of character for what we know about the
Khmer Rouge or any other communist movement. But, this is not a medieval Shari’a
court where the qadi assigns
criminal responsibility to the greater degree on the basis of the accused’s
reputation in the community (which is what the prosecution has often tried to do here). It is a modern civil law court that places the
onus of proving the crimes charged in the indictment on the prosecution. And
the prosecution failed to discharge that onus regarding Toul Po Chrey. There
are simply no two ways about it. It is a shame as the prosecution had both the
time and the resources to build a solid case.
Second, the prosecution had the burden of
showing that the execution at Toul Po Chrey was criminal. For one reason or
another, the prosecution never attempted to do so. Third, the prosecution had to show that the accused either directly
ordered it or can be seen as having ordered it through the mode of liability
known as Joint Criminal Enterprise and had the intent of committing a crime or
are responsible under the doctrine of command responsibility. Given that the
prosecution presented neither documentary, nor testimonial evidence to support
its theory it chose to rely upon the least reliable of sources: The prosecution’s
own assertion that nothing ever happened in Democratic Kampuchea without the
accused ordering it or consenting to it. This was complimented by the
prosecution’s character attacks (I am not saying that the accused’s credibility
is not wide open to attacks; what I am saying is that the prosecution went far
beyond their credibility) on the accused, most ofwhich came from a single
source (what would the prosecution do without Teth Sambath’s movie of which
they had not found out until after it had been on TV for about a year; it is better than the Noun defense, though, who did not find out about, perhaps, the key piece of evidence against their client until the prosecution told them it existed). There
is no doubt that it is hard to believe this is the prosecution’s proof but this
is the applesauce the prosecution presented this court with.
One thing that is important to remember is that this process is not about what did or did not happen during Democratic Kampuchea (historical inquiry is about that and a truth-and-reconciliation commission would have been about that) but what the prosecution can or cannot prove.
One thing that is important to remember is that this process is not about what did or did not happen during Democratic Kampuchea (historical inquiry is about that and a truth-and-reconciliation commission would have been about that) but what the prosecution can or cannot prove.

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