More On the Misconceived Reparations Process

Recently, the Victim Support Section (‘VSS’) of the ECCC
proudly announced that funding had been secured for projects proffered to the
Trial Chamber by the Civil Party Co-Lawyers by way of reparations. A review of
the donor list of that announcement shows that there is not a single Cambodian
donor, private or corporate, on it. With Phnom Penh teeming with wealth, no argument
can be possibly made that Cambodia is an extremely poor country that ergo
cannot afford to contribute to any of these projects. This could not be further
from the truth. Phnom Penh is now a city where a not so sizable plot of
suburban land goes for a million dollars. And there is no lack of takers.
Unlike it is the case in the West where most people buy even the most inexpensive
plots of land on credit, cash is the only mode of payment in Phnom Penh for
most people and million-dollar plots are bought daily for which cash is
delivered in multiple duffle bags. The car fleet of Phnom Penh is an entirely
other story, where the luxury (by the standards of the rest of the world) Lexus
SUV is just the unimpressive regular car (and it isn’t the foreigners who drive
the most exquisite of cars). A number of Cambodia’s uber-rich have built themselves monuments in mortar in the form of
skyscrapers that serve the same purpose as monuments: They sit there for no
other reason than to remind everyone of a particular person. Yet, the Court
felt that these “poor Cambodians” would not be able to fund – or even modestly
contribute to – the budget for the Civil Party Lawyers’ reparations
initiatives. The Cambodian government, which spends lavishly on its civil
servants’ latest SUVs, of course could not be expected to contribute either (the
only thing that the Cambodian government was asked to contribute is the
creation of yet another public holiday to compliment Cambodia’s most incredible
calendar of public holidays; it is particularly curious that there are already
two holidays that commemorate the exact same thing – the Liberation
from Genocide Day (Jan, 7) and the Day of Hate (May, 20); yet the Civil Party
Lawyers felt that those were not sufficient to fully commemorate the events of
1975-1979, even though those holidays were created for that very purpose).
Who did contribute? A range of institutions and individuals in France, the
German, the Australian, and the Swiss governments. As on many occasions in the
past the Cambodians are going to look at this funding and say, ‘these countries
have a lot of money so they should do this,’ and so it goes. The question here
is, of course, not about who has the most money but what the purpose of these
projects is. Routinely, reparatory payments are made by the convicted person
and persons found civilly responsible. That is how it is done in the Cambodian
system of criminal law. Yet, no one is even talking about appraising the
accused’s assets in this process. What is most curious is that reparations may only
be ordered if the accused has been found guilty. No one has been found guilty
in Case 002/01 so far, yet funding for reparations has already been solicited
and committed as if conviction was a mere formality in the way of the
fundraising Juggernaut. Aside from the fair trial principles (and presumption
of innocence was one of them last I checked) and the fact that no finding on
the indigence of the accused has been made (again, this is not a matter of mere
following of the procedure (although it would have been a worthwhile exercise
for that reason alone); it is a very practical matter as the land the accused
might own might be able to defray much of the cost of these projects, provided
they are convicted), the fact that not a single Cambodian contributes to these
projects is revelatory of the support this process enjoys in that country. Of
course if there were Cambodian funders for any of these projects, it is
unlikely they would fund things like “a Civil Party storybook” or another
DC-Cam exhibition.
ECCC’s reparations scheme has been entirely misconceived. In
the ordinary criminal process, reparations (more commonly known as ‘damages’)
are ordered against the accused and civilly responsible parties. Such
reparations are not ordered either to the extent of the accused and civil
responsible party’s resources or on the basis of an extrapolation of their
ability to generate income in the future but on the basis of the harm. But, by
its very name, this is an extraordinary criminal process which contains
extraordinary features. It is, however, silly to have reparations ordered against
the accused when the court knows full-well that they will be paid by a group of
foreigners with no connection to the accused. The court is in no position to
order such reparations and it should not embarrass itself by doing so. What
should be done is a nationwide consultation (not a bunch of foreign lawyers who
do not speak the local language and who have never been outside Phnom Penh but
who nonetheless somehow believe they know the Cambodian mindset) on what is
appropriate and desirable as by way of commemorative fixtures or events, not
reparations, and a nationwide fundraising drive to muster support, financial
and in-kind, for the projects that come out of the nationwide consultation as a
consensus. Simply giving money to a couple of NGOs who have attached themselves
to this process is not either what is known as ‘reparations’ under the
Cambodian criminal law, nor is it a commemorative Cambodian effort that is a corollary
to this process. Most Cambodians will look at these so-called reparations and
see them as yet another instance of Westerners giving money to the NGOs. And
they will be correct thinking that. This reparations process is therefore a
two-time loser. Unfortunately, this two-time loser of an ECCC policy is very
likely to be endorsed by the Court and will represent an impermissible
deviation from the law and yet another instance of Westerners rushing to assist
where Cambodians can perfectly pull their own weight (and if they do not, that
is not because they cannot but simply because they do not have any interest in
the project and it should not be up to the Westerners or the Cambodians employed
by the Court to override that overwhelming popular disinterest).
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