... And Now Completely Off the Rails

Let us see what the Trial Chamber could have relied upon in
the law as the basis for this order.
First, it is important to note that article
312 of the Criminal Procedure Code (‘CPC’) states that “[a] civil party may
never be heard as a witness.” This is the exact opposite of what the trial
court has done throughout both Case 001 and what has been completed of Case
002, i.e. civil parties have testified in court, were examined and
cross-examined, and generally acted as witnesses in every way. By doing so the
trial court thus ignored a specific provision of the CPC. Article 129new of the
Constitution states that “[t]rials shall be conducted […] in accordance with
the legal procedures and laws in force.” By supplanting a clear provision of
the CPC with a judicial invention designed to placate the NGOs, the trial court
acted unconstitutionally and violated the accused’s right to be tried “in
accordance with the legal procedures and laws in force.” Second, under article 318 of the CPC the trial court has a grant of
the law to “exclude from the hearing everything [it] deem[ed] to unnecessarily
delay the trial hearing without being conducive to ascertaining the truth.” The
trial court has not done so. In fact it has permitted the prosecution and the
civil parties to parade dozens of witnesses to testify to the same thing (how
many witnesses does the trial court need to hear to be satisfied that it is
true that on April 17, 1975 the Khmer Rouge expelled the population of Phnom
Penh telling the expellees that the expulsion was necessarily to protect them
from the American bombing and to let the Khmer Rouge reorganize the city, and
telling them that they would be allowed to come back in 3 days’ time?). It is
next to impossible to remember when it was last that either the prosecution or
the civil parties produced a witness who testified to something novel (some say
it is Chhouk Rin’s testimony and I am willing to concede to that with a caveat
that there was a big nothing for a long time prior to that and there has been a
big nothing since). The redundancy of these witnesses and civil parties-come-witnesses
is clear because even the defense has gotten quiet. This should have been a
signal to the trial court that no one is contesting the basic facts of the
expulsion of the population of Phnom Penh. Yet, the court has kept permitting
more and more witnesses and civil parties-come-witnesses to drag out these
proceedings. It is not difficult to understand the donors’ frustration with the
process – they agreed to pay for a criminal process, not a truth and
reconciliation commission which would permit discussions (they are not
inquests, just discussions) of disappearance of a single individual or those of
the correct understanding of the revolutionary concepts (plus, of course, let
us not forget that the Office of Administration promised them, with a stern
face, that the process would not go a minute past the 3-year mark). Third, article 321 of the CPC states
that “[t]he judgment of the court may be based only on the evidence included in
the case file or which has been presented at the hearing.” The questions asked
of the accused by the civil parties do not belong in either category as they
are neither part of the case-file, nor are they presented as evidence at the
hearing simply because they are not subject to cross-examination or any other
process, for that matter. Article 325 of the CPC specifically authorizes “all
parties” to the proceedings to examine the accused. This includes the civil
parties. However, this examination is limited to the charges against the
accused contained in the closing order. The trial court has permitted civil
parties to ask questions that are neither part of the charges in the closing
order, nor can, in and of themselves, be charges of criminal conduct. A good
example of this is the recent question about the purpose of self-criticism
sessions. Surely, the accused do not stand accused of designing and implementing
the policy of conducting self-criticism sessions and do not need to give a lecture
on their purpose, as they saw it, in court. Fourth, the law does not provide for such things as “statement of
suffering” of civil parties or civil parties’ “asking questions” of the
accused. What the law does provide for is the right against self-incrimination.
Article 14 (3) (g) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(‘ICCPR’) states that “everyone shall be entitled to […] [n]ot to be compelled
to testify against himself or to confess guilt.” The trial court found a way
around it by asking the accused if they would be willing to answer questions
from the civil parties. In a fit of idiocy the accused, advised by their
attorneys, in principle, agreed. This, of course, tells us everything we need
to know about these defense attorneys but the Cambodian Constitution protects
persons from incompetent representation by placing the court in the position of
guarantor and protector of “the rights and freedoms of the citizens” (art.
128new). Not only did the court fail to guarantee the rights and freedoms of
the citizens by permitting the civil parties to “ask questions” of the accused,
it actively encouraged this violation. This raises the ubiquitous question of
who watches the watchers and the answer in this case is no one. At this stage,
instead of doing the watching of the defense attorneys to ensure that their
performance passes the constitutional muster the trial court engaged in
multiple violations of the accused’s constitutional rights. Fifth, it is unclear if the accused
remain under oath while answering these questions. If so, why does the
prosecution not challenge such patently absurd statements as Khieu Samphan’s
persistent references to the Khmer Rouge as “they” and describing himself as
some sort of a privileged guest of theirs (he sought protection of the Khmer
Rouge when he fled Phnom Penh and the Khmer Rouge never gave him any important
tasks because they thought he had his head in the clouds? Or feet above the
ground was it?). Given the amount of evidence to the contrary presented by the
prosecution, much of which has not been successfully contested, why is the
prosecution not contesting these statements now? It is probably because the
prosecution does not know what to do with these “asking questions” sessions. No
one does. No wonder as there is no basis for them in the law (and a number of
proscriptions) and the trial court keeps making up rules for them as it goes

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