DK: Manifesto of the Revolutionary Men and Women
(From Yuvachun Nung Yuvaneari Padevat,
No.1 August 1973,
pp. 1-7.)
In our revolutionary movement today a great mean young men and women have actively sought to join together in both the Alliance of Yuv.K.K. [Communist Youth of Kampuchea] and in patriotic organizations. And these numbers are continually growing in an orderly way. Today, all over the country, the membership of he Alliance of Yuv.K.K. counts by tens of thousands of people. In the offices and departments there are tens of thousands of young men and women. In the armed forces of all three categories (village militia, regional forces, regular forces) there are also a great many young men and women. Therefore, if we add them together all over the country, the number of young men and women in our revolutionary ranks adds to hundreds of thousands of people, whether Yuv.K.K troops, in offices and departments both at the front lines and the rear ranks.
In sum, all young men and women in our revolutionary ranks have all received continuous constructive education from the party. Therefore, so far, the movement of young men and women has progressed forward both in building each individual and in building a movement of revolutionary struggle. Our many young men and women have joined in revolutionary activities on all battlefields both at the front lines and in rear areas in overflowing numbers.
In order to explode and push the movement of young men and women toward greater strength in accordance with the actual situation, in accordance with our revolutionary movement which is bounding ahead, our Communist Party of Kampuchea, even though pressed by other matters, nevertheless definitely needs to build an organ to educate-construct-nurture the principle of revolutionary political consciousness in our young men and women following the direction and the policy approach of the party in order that [this principle] becomes more clearly defined. That organ is this periodical Revolutionary Young Men and Women which appears monthly. This periodical is an organ of revolutionary youth and is under the aegis of the party.
The intentions of this periodical aim to serve revolutionary young men and women, taken together, but also to serve all progressive young men and women in the ranks, too. This periodical has a direction toward building our young men's and women's political consciousness and their implementation of assignments which will serve the movement to fight and strive in the front lines and the rear areas as well as in the offices and departments.
Therefore, this periodical is a periodical to lead, explode and push the movement of young men and women to do the concrete work of building-nurturing the principle of political consciousness of the party into the revolutionary youth organization and to acquire [ for the youth movement] and spread experiences both in the matter of political consciousness and regarding the job of implementing various assignments of the revolutionary youth organization. That is to say [this periodical]:
Politically, aims to disseminate, educate, nurture, orient political principles, strategic and tactical; the approach to people’s war of the party; the party’s economic approach; the party’s socio-cultural approach and the party’s foreign policy goals through concrete execution and with experience of building the force of revolutionary young men and women.
Mentally, aims to disseminate, construct, nurture a revolutionary consciousness such as:
-- class consciousness, class struggle, diivision into classes so that our youth have a proper class philosophy;
-- righteous revolutionary principles;
-- national pride, a proper patriotic spirrit. Proletarian nationalism and internationalism of our revolutionary movement in order to explode the national principles of the working class, of the party;
-- precepts of unremitting struggle both wwith the enemy and with nature and in building oneself in order to fulfill duties, large and small, which the party assigns in order to have maximum victory;
-- a spirit of serving the nation and people, especially the people of the bas areas;
-- revolutionary heroism in the task of fighting the enemy at the front lines, increasing production in the rear area, in fulfilling duties well in offices, etc.
-- high spirit of collectivity, ridding oneself of individual interests in favor of the whole, etc
3. In implementing assignments, aims to:
At the front lines explode and push young men and women who are combatants, who are messengers, who are medics, who carry ammunition, food, the wounded, etc., to overcome to fight, rushing to fulfill their individual duties to the maximum; to fight and strive as strongly as possible and always firmly.
In the rear areas explode and push the movement to increase production; the problem of solidarity with the people in general; the problem of doing a job with the people of the bases:
-- increasing pride in the work of manual activities to become closer to the people of the bases;
-- exploding the spirit of the collectivitty; spirit of economizing of collective goods and of time in the officers and departments and worksites and individual jobs.
In all, that is, the aim is of building reflexes of our youth toward the overall good and increasing their understanding and desire for manual activities; that is to say, changing their old worldview progressively and causing the adoption of a new, revolutionary worldview as a replacement.
To summarize, the periodical Revolutionary Young Men and Women has a direction toward building a stand of the political consciousness and implementation of assignments of the party and exploding the movement of young men and women so that it becomes increasingly vigorous and strong in the interest of serving the movement to fight and strive onward both at the front lines and in the rear areas. It also builds reserve strength for perpetuating the leadership of the revolutionary movement generally in the future by taking the revolutionary movement concretely, both at the front lines and in the rear areas and offices, and building it by means of the aspects of political consciousness and the task of implementing various assignment.
Therefore, the periodical Revolutionary Young Men and Women wishes success to the brave young men and women of Kampuchea wishes good health and strength and a quick intelligence as well as a strong principle of revolutionary consciousness in order to raise the battle standard to fight and strive against the enemy on all front to be as strong as possible and continually gain new great victories.
Long Live the brave young men and women of Kampuchea!
Long Live the periodical Revolutionary Young Men and Women!
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