A Bad Gilbert and Sullivan
What do you know, the time I
awarded the Why So Slow Trophy to Karnavas was
my last opportunity to award it to Ianuzzi. Well, I am convinced that the Permanent
Trophy can still be awarded after the fact and that Andrew Ianuzzi will
graciously accept it. For the early days of awarding this Trophy, I could not
have found a more deserving recipient for it than Ianuzzi. In fact, to give the
reader a peak into some of the history of the Trophy, it was Ianuzzi’s
performance in the courtroom that inspired me to create it in the first place.
While Andrew Ianuzzi is a
deserving recipient of the Trophy, he is also a man with a great sense of humor
that has brought so much so badly needed respite to those of us who can
appreciate his comedy and antics. In what was the final flare-up between Andrew
Ianuzzi and the Trial Chamber, he called these proceedings “a bad Gilbert and
Sullivan.” It is not difficult to guess at whom this comment was aimed. There
are 5 judges on the panel. Let’s exclude the national judges right off the bat.
There are two judges left: J. Lavergne and J. Cartwright. The French have a
rich theatrical culture of their own and routinely snub whatever develops
across the water. This leaves J. Cartwright. Ianuzzi’s reference to the
proceedings as “a bad Gilbert and Sullivan” is crafty: all their plays have a
very high absurdity component and the gentlemen’s collaboration unfolded some century
and a quarter ago (what does not work is the logic that strings through all
this absurdity in Gilbert and Sullivan comedies but let’s not talk about things that do not work for the metaphor and be in the
moment here) (for the uninitiated see at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfhbwsJe_tE). Ianuzzi’s comedy directed at J. Cartwright is pretty clear: you cannot
relate to Niggaz Wit Attitudes, that’s fine, I will find an example for you
from the time you can relate to (alluding to the judge’s age but, perhaps, at
least slightly overreaching). I am sorry, Andrew, I am not going to buy that
this stuff was impromptu; this was prepared in advance (expressed in the manner Andrew Ianuzzi tried to bring into these proceedings it would sound a little bit like this: "this shit is whack; you ain't spittin'; as a matter of fact all this shit was written"). This comment was wildly
inappropriate but I have not laughed this hard since Sasha Baron Cohen landed
on Eminem’s face. Apologies, J. Cartwright, but I cannot hurtle past the man’s
sense of comedy. I recommended Broadway before this incident and that
recommendation still stands.
All the comedy aside, whether Ianuzzi,
Pauw and Pestman’s resignation was premeditated and whether their run-ins with
the Trial Chamber had finally gotten to them and Ianuzzi’s likening these
proceedings to scripted plays with absurd premises was a way to slam the door
on the way out is not as much of interest to me as how this is going to affect
their client Noun Chea. Unlike his lawyers, Noun Chea cannot quip his way out
of these proceedings and slam the door on the Trial Chamber. One would presume
that every lawyer’s first question should be ‘how is this going to affect my
client’s case?’ It is understood that this is the totality of circumstances –
or the last straw that broke the camel’s back – that resulted in a decision to
resign but the way it came across – whether it came across to the Trial Chamber
in the same manner – is that if the Trial Chamber did not permit the defense’s
lines of questioning to include K-5, the defense had no other defense theory.
This might be the wrong perception but this is how it came across. K-5 is a
sordid affair and a god-awful mess in and of its own right. K-5 was presided
over by many who currently run Cambodia. The Noun Chea defense has repeatedly
said that questions related to K-5 were not allowed by the Trial Chamber simply
because the powers that be were afraid of what might come out if those questions were asked. I do not doubt
for a second that powers that be do not want to hear as much as the term K-5 or the Bamboo Curtain or the Bamboo Wall,
let alone the particulars of what happened during that ill-fated project.
However, this does not mean the Trial Chamber is wrong about not permitting
lines of questioning related to K-5. They are temporally barred by the
jurisdiction of the ECCC and the confines of the present mini-trial (the
constitutionality of the mini-trial format is an entirely different matter but
that is a story for another day). The defense has tried to get around it by
arguing that there is potential exculpatory value in the K-5 evidence because
the number of people died in K-5 could be offset against the overall number of
deaths recorded by Western researchers who showed up on the scene in the early
to mid-1990s and attributed them all to DK (and of course the number that resulted from the Vietnamese-designed Cambodian survey conducted in the 1980s could just be sidelined for bias or even on the basis of its patently flawed methodology). There is in fact a source I am familiar with which found the
number of K-5 deaths to be close to 230,000. A staggering number. Does it help
the defense, though? Well, not in any legal sense as the determination of guilt
in these proceedings is not informed by the number of people who died and these
proceedings are criminal and therefore do not have the finding out of how many
people died during DK as one of its goals. But, there is a great moral argument
that the defense was gearing for: being able to say that this government has no
moral authority to prosecute members of the DK government because this
government did something similar and possibly comparable to DK in K-5. Maybe
so, maybe no moral high ground argument can be made by this government to prosecute
DK. But issues of moral high ground are alien to the criminal process. These
proceedings are part of the criminal process and therefore have no high moral
ground considerations. Put simply, even if it were suggested in court (this
court has no jurisdiction to make that determination) that wrongs were
committed by the PRK government against its people during the run of K-5, it
still would not absolve the accused of whatever the responsibility they are
found to have for what happened during DK. But of course this was not the Noun Chea
defense’s plan. The plan was to try to rattle up the current government with
K-5 references to a point where they would shut down the process and let the
accused go. This was an audacious plan. The other side of that plan was to show
that DK’s predecessor was no better and that wrongs were committed during its
tenure too and then ask the Court – and perhaps most importantly the public – ‘if
DK was not drastically different from what preceded it and what followed it,
why has my client been singled out for prosecution?’ Not bad for an argument.
Just too bad for Noun Chea that this does not work in law. Now that that plan
has been thwarted, are we to conclude that what the architects of that plan left
Rosensweig with is chi chi beans and the Noun Chea defense has no viable defense theory beyond that?
Ianuzzi, Pauw and Pestman have
put up a tremendous effort to push through the defense theory they designed about
halfway into their tenure. The theory in question would never work in law but
they gave it everything they had and there is no doubt about that. Jasper Pauw
has done a tremendous job as a trial lawyer and the proceedings stand to lose
from his departure.