Badgering of a Witness: Pitch-Perfect

Accused Khieu Samphan’s wife, So Socheat, was called to court
as a witness. Judge Lavergne launched an extensive direct examination that
frustrated him and left him with nothing more than So Socheat’s repeated
statements that she was a housewife and worked in a communal kitchen, and,
therefore, knew nothing about the politics and governance during Democratic
Kampuchea. Judge Lavergne’s frustration did not get the best of him and
permitted him to continue being courteous and to begin narrowing down his
examination to what was shaping as the extent of So Socheat’s knowledge of the
comings and goings in the upper echelon of Democratic Kampuchea. The end of Judge
Lavergne’s examination signaled the beginning of the prosecution’s
cross-examination. In these proceedings the prosecution has gotten away with much
too much nonsense and stands emboldened by it. The incident discussed below is but one example of that.
The prosecution’s examiner was its Senior Assistant
Co-Prosecutor Keith Raynor. The gentleman has been in Cambodia for a year now.
This is the age of his knowledge of anything Cambodia, including the facts of
Democratic Kampuchea and the Cambodian law (I am not sure how much of that he
has managed to learn as last time he offered his two cents on law was when he
decided to barge in with a lecture on the meaning of contempt at common law;
but it has been about half a year since then so anything is possible) and
judicial process. And it shows.
Keith Raynor opened with a series of repetitive questions about
… it is not easy to be ready for something like this so I suggest the reader
sit down or better yet sit down and buckle up … the procedure of having entries
made into a family book during Democratic Kampuchea. No, I do not take drugs, I
do not drink and I do not have a mental disease. It really did happen and he
really did spend over half an hour of the court’s time on this. The reason for
it was to show that So Socheat was unreliable and not a credible witness
because, according to Keith Raynor, she lied to commune registrar about her son’s
date of birth when it was being registered in the family book. He managed to
show nothing, other than that So Socheat was not sure about the existing
procedure for this during the time of Democratic Kampuchea. I would like to ask
the same question of the people who went through this very process in the
orderly Western countries a few years back to see if they might remember if
there was a witness requirement. If Keith Raynor paid attention to his surroundings
(not the yard of the court but the slightly broader surroundings that are a
country called Cambodia), he would have probably noticed that there is an army
of people in that country whose paperwork does not reflect their actual date of
birth. I have no desire to explain why here as there is plenty of birth
registration literature out there that gives an exhaustive – or if not exhausting
than something very close to it -- answer to this question. Just so that we are
clear, according to Keith Raynor all these Cambodian parents who put down dates
other than the actual dates of birth of their children are liars. Can I get an ‘oh,
boy’? It became clear very quickly that So Socheat was not aware of the procedure
and did not have an answer to the question of discrepancy between her son’s
actual date of birth and that that was recorded in the family book that would
satisfy Keith Raynor’s lack of understanding of Cambodia’s context. That line of
questioning was so idiotic as to even get Khieu Samphan’s national counsel who
was honestly perplexed by while Keith Raynor was interrogating So Socheat about
something this minute and with that level of hostility. Khieu Samphan’s
national counsel was not the only one thinking that. Keith Raynor got nowhere
with that but drew an adverse inference from the answers simply because he was
looking for one.
Keith Raynor proceeded by calling So Socheat’s testimony her “version
of events” which took place around the time of evacuation of Phnom Penh. All
she said was, with few exceptions, that she did not know anything about
politics and governance during that period and that she was a housewife and
worked in a communal kitchen. If that is what Keith Raynor meant by “[her]
version of events,” I am very curious about what his version of events might be. We never found that out because Keith
Raynor had nothing up his sleeve, other than his badgering antics.
Keith Raynor then proceeded declaring So Socheat one of the
five most important witnesses in Case 002/01. Let us linger around this
statement a bit. What Keith Raynor implied is that an accused’s wife who is not
educated and who did not hold a policy position in Democratic Kampuchea is this
case’s one of five most important witnesses because of what she might have
understood of what her husband might have told her about his involvement in the
regime. Can I get an ‘oh, boy’ here? Many people do not like how Justice Scalia
voted in DeShaney. Why don’t we go
ask Maureen Scalia why he voted that way? The case is about 25 years old, her
husband might have mentioned it to her, Maureen Scalia has no legal education and
while she did go to college she spent the rest of her life as a housewife,
being part of the Supreme Court’s communal kitchen, among other things. This
oddly reminds me of someone else’s position vis-à-vis her husband’s work but I
cannot quite put my finger on who that might be. Anybody? Can I get another ‘oh,
boy’ here?
Having gotten nothing there either, the irate Keith Raynor
proceeded on to another question of great importance – how much time Khieu
Samphan spent with his wife after his return from his world tour. Keith Raynor
argued that there was a discrepancy between two statements, in one of which So
Socheat, according to him, said that it was a month and in the other 3 months.
After much commotion in the midst of objections from the defense So Socheat’s
statement on the matter was finally read in the original Khmer. After it was, Khieu
Samphan’s national counsel responded by arguing that it was a translation error
that rendered ‘to stay with my son of one month’ to ‘to stay with my son for
one month.’ Keith Raynor completely lost it trying to move the panel to
sanction the national counsel for interpreting what the witness said in the
harshest possible way (or was the word ‘sternest’?) for unethical behavior in
court filing an interference with the administration of justice complaint (the odds of this happening in the courtroom are low but, of course, this idiot defeated the odds). No, idiot (not my word; Raynor likes calling people that (, so if he does not see any problem with dishing it out, nor should he see a problem with taking it), the national counsel was not interpreting anything. He simply
explained what that statement meant in Khmer, a language you do not speak. That
is all that happened. Even if he did interpret his client’s statement, would Keith
Raynor care to point out the law that proscribes this type of conduct? This isn’t
London, Jack. Or, the British military, for that matter. I believe it is time
for another ‘oh, boy.’
Having made out empty-handed again – with the exception of
having been able to exchange fire with the defense and finally, after much pushing and prodding from the defense and the bench, learning how to cite the record -- Keith Raynor embarked on yet
another crusade – if the other DK leaders moved out of a location codeworded
K-3 as previously stated by So Socheat. Again, Keith Raynor brought no evidence
to refute the witness’ statement. He brought plenty of lambaste and inveighing
but no actual evidence. He, however, nonetheless conclude that So Socheat’s
statement regarding the matter was something she “concocted” in cahoots with
her husband. He proceeded by festooning that word with statements like “cynical,
deliberate attempt to lie to the court” reaching the crescendo at calling the
witness a liar (he did not say that a particular part of her testimony was
false; he simply called her a liar). Keith Raynor did the seemingly impossible:
he called a witness a liar without having proven even that bullshit he came to
the cross-examination with. Truly incredible. And the bench said nothing. Can I
get an ‘oh, boy’? Emboldened Keith Raynor proudly stated that it had been
established that the witness was a liar but that he would like to continue
cross-examining her for which he needed more of the court’s time because the
defense dared to call him on the applesauce he brought into court thus costing
him examination time. Of course, if the prosecution genuinely believes that So
Socheat perjured herself, the Cambodian law permits criminal prosecution for
this. All the prosecution has to do is to refer it to the national courts.
Then there was a lengthy line of questioning about the disappearance of the witness' K-3 neighbor for whom she, as a cook, put out food. In his by then recognizable distinct style Keith Raynor brought no evidence to counter the witness' testimony, other than some obscure and opaque passage from her husband's book. He substituted evidence with insinuations that the witness and her husband might have had something to do with the neighbor's disappearance. They may or may not have but all Keith Raynor brought with him to try to ferret that out was nothing more than a fishing expedition.
Then there was a lengthy line of questioning about the disappearance of the witness' K-3 neighbor for whom she, as a cook, put out food. In his by then recognizable distinct style Keith Raynor brought no evidence to counter the witness' testimony, other than some obscure and opaque passage from her husband's book. He substituted evidence with insinuations that the witness and her husband might have had something to do with the neighbor's disappearance. They may or may not have but all Keith Raynor brought with him to try to ferret that out was nothing more than a fishing expedition.

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