Some Fireworks to Mark
the End: Part II
On July 18, 2013 the Khieu defense team got a letter
published in a local newspaper. The title of the letter is ‘Khieu Samphan Is
Forced to Remain Silent.’ The purpose of the letter, as it seems, is Khieu’s
public answer as to why he has invoked his right to remain silent and therefore
will not subject himself to a cross-examination by the prosecution and the
civil parties that he promised he would.

The prosecution was already peeved by the invocation of the
right prior to the letter (See below ‘Prosecution
Presses On’); the letter sent the prosecution flying right off the handle.
Let’s take a close look at what pushed the prosecution to the edge. First, the prosecution was chagrined by
the defense’s postulation that the bench admitted “thousands” of the
prosecution’s documents into the record and paid no heed to the “many concerns”
expressed by the defense. I generally agree with the prosecution that this is
not an accurate representation of what has taken place during the trial in Case
002/01. It is a broadly sweeping remark and anyone familiar with the record
knows that this simply has not been the case. With that said, if I were the
prosecution, I would not be relying on the DC-Cam executive management’s
performance to prove that this allegation of the Khieu defense is without merit,
as doing so would be akin to leaning on the part of a 3-legged table with the
missing leg (See below ‘Can Youk Chhang
Save the Reputation of His Documentation Angkar’ (Feb 4, 2012); ‘The House that Youk Built’ (Feb 11, 2012)). Being, essentially, in agreement
with the prosecution, I note that it is interesting that it is the Khieu
defense – and not that of Noun – that wrote this letter. It would have been
much more grounded in what has actually transpired during this trial if the
Noun defense had written that letter. Without looking at the record, what
immediately springs to mind is the bench cutting off the Noun defense’s inquest
into K-5 or the Bamboo Wall project. I do not know where the Noun counsel of
the day were going with that inquest but there was plenty of great material in
that (one such thing is the provincial and district-level PRK officials’
pilfering of the Vietnamese and Soviet aid (given Vietnam was on life support
from the Soviet Union at the time it was all Soviet aid by different names)
intended for K-5 that caused the collapse of that project; it could have been
argued that it was the lack of the KR heavy-handed governance that caused the
pilfering that, in turn, made the project collapse and the black market swell
up with the pilfered goods)). Second,
the prosecution was outraged by the Khieu defense’s statement that “the judges
also decided to deny the possibility of a real discussion on the mountain of
evidence admitted.” The prosecution characterized this statement as “the
defense living in a parallel reality.” It is impossible to meaningfully agree
or disagree with the defense’s statement or the prosecution’s rebuttal without
knowing what the definition of “a real discussion” is within the context of the
criminal process. Given that “a real discussion” is not a legal category, its
definition is unavailable to me. It is therefore my opinion that this can be
argued one way and the other and who the winner is will depend on the charisma
of the arguer, rather than the math of the argument. Where I part ways with the
prosecution is calling the defense’s performance “slopp[y].” The simple truth
is that they are overwhelmed by that “mountain of evidence.” The undisputed
fact that they are is due to a number of undisputed factors that from the
get-go stacked the process against the defense: (1) millions of dollars and
efforts of a number of dedicated individuals were expended on getting the
prosecution its evidence for 30 years prior to the trial; most of these
individuals and institutions were not looking for exculpatory evidence (it is
nonsense if they say that they did); in fact an entire Khmer Rouge ethos was
created on the basis of the bits and pieces of evidence and tremendous
extrapolations made on their basis by these individuals of decades of mulling;
(2) the prosecution ended up with top-notch KR scholars; the defense got one on
a part-time basis and only for one team; they now have none (unless we pretend
that Soun Visal is a KR expert); (3) the prosecution has run a well-oiled
machinery from the start while the Khieu defense started out with Jacques
Verges who raised much hell and did absolutely no work and So Sovann who raised
no hell, did no work and given my knowledge of the man’s ability from other
legal efforts and given his performance in court (that is a matter of record)
was incapable of producing any coherent legal work; most literally years were
wasted by these lawyers until the current team was put in place; the Khieu
defense was a visible underdog for a long spell and they did come from behind
to where they are today (and Anta Guisse’s recent performance is a testament to
that (See below ‘Some Fireworks to Mark
the End: Part I’)); the time wasted should be imputed to the Defense Support
Section who allowed the hiring of someone with the competence level of So
Sovann and tolerated the shenanigans of Jacques Verges for way too long; (4) by
the time people in the prosecution like Will Smith and Tarik Abdulhak had
developed a reasonable grasp on what they were looking at, the Khieu defense
was still rocking as a dingy in a storm; while the sea is much calmer now, the
Khieu defense has yet to fully overcome the effects of that storm. For all
these reasons, I would refrain from using the word ‘sloppy’ to characterize the
Khieu defense’s present performance. Third,
the prosecution found it “amusing” that the Khieu defense now took issue with
the separation (it is called ‘separation’ in the Internal Rules, not severance,
so I am going to go with this term) of the proceedings in Case 002. I cannot
possibly disagree with the prosecution here. That’s simply because they happen
to be right and there is no disagreeing with what is right. Except that I do
not find the Khieu defense’s statement to this effect “amusing;” I find it
preposterous. In 2011, when separation was ordered, I was expecting a perfect
storm to come from the defense for a variety of reasons (See below ‘Brief Amicus
Curiae; In Support of Neither Party’ (Apr 29, 2013)). Surprisingly,
nothing happened – all the 4 defense teams consented to the separation order.
Michael Karnavas was on one of those teams and I thought he might have
something up his sleeve that I could not think of (albeit it was hard to
imagine what that could have been). In 2012, when the prosecution appealed
certain aspects of the separation, I expected the defense (all 3 teams) to
finally wake up and attack the separation order (See below ‘Trial Chamber’s Frankenstein Monster: Res
Judicata and Judicial Notice v Presumption of Innocence’ (Nov 22, 2012).
Again, nothing of significance happened (See below ‘Brief Amicus Curiae; In
Support of Neither Party’) other than the defense teams opposing the
prosecution’s vision of what the separation should be, not the separation
itself which is what they should have been opposing. At this time I knew Karnavas
had nothing up his sleeve and that he simply dropped the ball. And it is now that the Khieu defense has finally
woken up to the absolute horror for their client that the separation has
been???!!! I agree with the prosecution that it is pretty outrageous and the
Khieu defense cannot get a pass on this one as being a counsel requires being
able to think just a tad faster than what is going on two years now. The
prosecution is correct: the Khieu defense’s position on this matter is
untenable (except for the use of the expression ‘the dice is loaded’ which is
great and which does not get nearly enough play; trompe l'oeil to describe the prosecution's maneuvering was colorful too). Fourth, the prosecution sought to show that the Khieu defense
became derelict from their duty enshrined in the Basic Principles on the Role
of Lawyers. The prosecution cited articles 12 and 14 in support of their
contention. The language of article 12 is vague and cannot stand on its own;
the prosecution completely misread – inadvertently or otherwise – the language
of article 14. Even if the prosecution’s reading was to be accepted, they would
have to show that speaking to the press on what is a matter of public record
violates the “recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession” in
Cambodia. Unless the prosecution knows something I do not, there is no and
never has been an ethical standard in Cambodia that precludes lawyers from
discussing with the press what was said in open court. The prosecution’s
argument on the matter is without merit and feels like an exercise in
stretching the law to fit the facts before us. The prosecution employed a
mountain of epithets but words like ‘scandalous’ in law actually mean something
and cannot be thrown around willy-nilly. With that said, I am in agreement with
the prosecution’s contentions more than I am not. In fact, there are things in
the Khieu defense’s letter that the prosecution did not mention that I find
equally objectionable. The frontrunners of these are “race against death
conducted in the guise of a criminal trial” (internal quotations mark omitted)
and “this show trial.” This is so ridiculous that it merits no extensive
commentary other than to say that what has transpired is most definitely not a “guise”
and not “a show trial” (albeit the irregularities have been numerous) as
Cambodia is a world champion of processes that mascaraed as criminal trials and
of show trials and anyone familiar with the Cambodian standards of justice
knows that this accusation applied to this trial rings hollow.
The clarity of what happened is inescapable: the Khieu
defense ran out of options of pursuing their defense theory, used the only
weapon they had in their arsenal by advising their client not to testify, and
went public with their explanation as to why.
While I agree – to a greater extent – with the prosecution’s
arguments, I believe they should have been advanced in the same forum in which
the defense raised their contentions – the newspaper. This is to say that the
prosecution’s arguments are, for the most part, sound but they picked the wrong
venue to advance them. A request for sanction under Rule 35 of the Internal
Rules is without merit and is entirely ridiculous as there is nothing in Rule
35 that prevents the defense from restating that which was said in open court
and expressing their opinion about the fairness of the process. With that said,
most of the Khieu defense’s contentions made in the letter are either untenable
or flat-out absolute nonsense. Thus, in my opinion,
the Khieu defense was
well-within its rights when it made them but their content happens to be embarrassing
(not in the legal but in the plain sense of the word ‘embarrassing’) on this
occasion. I believe that to save face the Khieu defense should retract the
letter but the trial court should not sanction the Khieu defense and rule the
prosecution’s motion to this effect inadmissible for lack of merit within the
meaning of Rule 35. The prosecution then should submit its reply to the same
newspaper which published the Khieu defense’s letter and possibly to a Khmer
language newspaper to ensure that the public is informed in Cambodia is watching these proceedings) of
the prosecution’s position as the only way of getting the prosecution’s message
to the public (no one (there is a miniscule population segment that does but it
does not detract from my use of ‘no one’) in Cambodia is watching these proceedings)).