It Is the One Thing Missed That Was the Only Thing Interesting

The one seemingly interesting thing that came out
of this witness’ testimony and which gained no traction with the court at all
was his opinion as to the reason for what the trial court terms “second wave of
evacuation” and “third wave of evacuation,” or whatever the numbers are. I will
call them ‘subsequent evacuations’ here. When asked by the prosecution whether
after having been evacuated from Phnom Penh, the evacuees were moved away from
the locations to which they had been initially evacuated, Nou Mao said this had
been the case in his location. Unprovoked, he offered further details. The most
interesting of these details was that it was not only the new people who were
subject to subsequent evacuations but also the base people. When asked why he
believed those evacuations were ordered, he answered that one of the reasons
for them was so that people would not discriminate against one another, i.e.
presumably, so that base people would not discriminate against the new people. The
prosecution, of course, shied away from probing further into that statement for
the obvious reason of it not working for its theory but the defense simply dropped
the ball by no exploring it at all and instead spending on the excruciating
detail of just about everything else (of which the only thing that was of any
consequence at all was the Noun Chea team’s line of questioning regarding the
100 Lon Nol soldiers). It is, of course, possible that the witness was
extrapolating – or whatever else he was doing – in the same manner he
extrapolated Khieu Samphan’s and Hou Youn’s divergent positions on the evacuation
of Phnom Pehn from some out-of-context statements and rumors but it is also
possible that his statement could have been a springboard to something else. It
is very curious given that CPK’s intent to avoid discrimination in the
cooperatives was part of a statement made by Noun Chea some two months ago. We
will now never find out whether the two could have been connected to establish
a fact. A great opportunity missed by the defense.
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